When you are living in the home of your choice and driving the car of your choice with no car, credit cards or other bills of this sort-- basically no major bills-- when you are in this situation and have $10,000 coming to you each and every month whether you get out of bed or not, you would have a lifestyle better than most millionaires.
For most people to have $10,000 coming in every month, it would take approximately 2,400,000 at
5 % interest. Cut this in half - $1,200,000 to allow you to have $5,000 per month.
How many people do you know who could accumulate $1,200,000 to $2,400,000 by the time they retire?
A person in network marketing can in 2 to 5 years build a part-time income of $5,000 to $10,000 per month. This money will spend the same as the money they would get from 5 % interest on $1,200,000 to $2,400,000.
This is an example of where you could be in 2 to 5 years with your residual income. Let's look at the first few months to one year; it takes $48,000 in the bank to produce a $200 monthly income. ASSUMING you are earning 5 %. This is probably too high because, when was the last time 5 % interest was available from your bank? How many people do you know that could save $48,000 in 3 months? Almost anyone using our system, could build an organization that would pay them $200 per month. Let's look at the first few months to one year; it takes $48,000 in the bank to produce a $200 monthly income. How many people do you know that could save $48,000 in 3 months? Almost anyone using our system, could build an organization that would pay them $200 per month.
How many people do you know that could save $3,000 to $6,000 per month? Most people would say no one. How many people do you know that could sponsor one friend a month and teach them to do the same with less than a minute presentation?
If you only sponsored one friend a month and taught your people to do the same, your organization would look like this:
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16
5 32
6 64
7 128
8 256
9 512
10 1,024
11 2,048
12 4,096
What if you only did this once a year and taught your people to do the same? You would be financially independent by the end of 12 years. One a month would get you there, are you ready for this ... ... wait for it ... ... ... ONE YEAR! That's right, one year to retirement!
Network Marketing is not a numbers game like sales. A salesperson goes to work for a sales manager. Network Marketing is the opposite. You go to work for yourself and the people you sponsor. You choose who you go to work for! Network Marketing is not a numbers game like sales. Network Marketing is the opposite and much more fun!
What you really need to do to be successful in network marketing can be summed up in two sentences:
1. Talk to your friends or make a friend (if you don't have any).
2. Meet their friends.
I don't understand why everyone isn't in network marketing when you look at Network Marketing like this.
- Another day of waking up to that dreaded alarm clock?
- Another day of your children at day care?
- Another day of going to work for someone else?
- Another day not spent with your family?
- Another year without a vacation or the time to just go have fun?
- Another day spent in fear of your future?
- Waking up with a new outlook on life!
- Being there to see your children and or grand children grow up!
- Working for yourself!
- Having time to spend with your family!
- The time and money to take vacations!
- Making real plans for your future!
When you are living as close to debt free as you want and getting out of bed when you want is a lifestyle better than most millionaires.
How many people do you know that could save $48,000 in 3 months? How many people do you know that could sponsor one friend a month and teach them to do the same with less than a minute presentation?
Here's a reminder, sponsoring one person a month would get you there, are you ready for this ... ... you know the answer ... ... ... ONE YEAR!
Now that you see the power of network marketing, do you think you and your friends deserve to enjoy your lives? I think you would agree the answer is YES!
If you would like a little more info contact me: http://www.thomas-wallace85.com
Thomas Wallace
Six Year Cancer Survivor - Everyday is Important!
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