Monday, October 27, 2014

How to Avoid Scams And Marketing Mistakes

There’s no lying about it—whatever those websites and glowing reviews tell you, scams pretending to be multi-level marketing schemes are very real. This is an uncomfortable truth even those legitimate multi-level marketers have to deal with, especially when they are selling their products.

This is not to say that all multi-level marketing companies are scammers and are simply out there to get you. There are legitimate companies that run on a multi-level marketing strategy, and are out to create a good network of like-minded people that they can train and set up for success.

One of the most common marketing mistakes is to immediately dismiss strategies such as these as pure scam. But now we’re on the subject, here are some ways to avoid scams when trying out multi-level marketing schemes.

If it is a common mistake to dismiss and avoid multi-level marketing as just scam, it is also one of the most common marketing mistakes to jump on the first company that offers you quick cash with less effort. Remember that money requires effort—often, a lot of it. The legitimate companies like My Lead System Pro would tell you that you do have to work hard and that money will not just pour in onto your lap. You’ll have to work hard, but the legitimate multi-level marketer will be there to teach you how.

Keep your expectations reasonable as well. Don’t expect to get rich in a day, or in a week. Don’t expect to get rich just by sitting around and waiting for your recruits to earn for you. As we said earlier, it’s going to take real work.

By keeping your expectations reasonable, you won’t be easily swayed by scammers who often make marketing mistakes (sometimes people are just too blind to see them) like promising you the heaven, when in truth you end up in hell.

You should also know where to focus. The bad rap that multi-level marketing gets is due to many of its members focusing on recruiting instead of training and selling—again, these are common marketing mistakes. Keep in mind that the incentive for recruiting is just that: an incentive. The primary focus should be on the training, and on how to harness that training to help you earn more.

Focus on making connections—it is less about the connections themselves, and more about how you make them. In the end, you will realize that the skills you learn through multi-level marketers like MLSP matter more than the number of recruits you brought in or the amount of commissions you got from the notorious downline.

Lastly, do your homework. Don’t jump at the first company that you see. Research on these companies thoroughly, and stick to one that has a good reputation. Try searching for companies like MLSP, and see what members say about them. You can also ask around—after all, many of sales in strategies such as these do not happen online, they happen the traditional way. 

Thomas Wallace
Six Year Cancer Survivor - Everyday is Important!

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