Monday, December 22, 2014

How to Be Successful with Instagram

When it first started out, Instagram was a fun site for people to use to share pictures. Now, it has exploded into one of the biggest social networks. That explosion opened up the doors for marketers to use the site to gain a following and eventually make money. If you decide to use Instagram in that way, you will need to use the right strategies or you will not be successful.

Know Your Hash tags

If you have spent any time on Twitter, you probably know about hash tags (#). The hash tag symbol goes in front of a word or group of words without spaces to identify a category. Instagram also uses hash tags. You need to use the right hash tags so people will find your pictures. That means you need to come up with some hash tags that are related to your business or opportunity. You can also use some of the most popular hash tags to tap into trending topics. Popular hash tags include #tbt for Throw Back Thursday and #PhotoOfTheDay for Photo of the Day.

Start a Photo Campaign

Photo campaigns are a lot of fun, and they are also a great way to get noticed on Instagram. Come up with something related to your business and then have people post photos using the hash tag you select. For instance, you could create a campaign called #MyFirstMillion. Then, you could have people submit pictures of what they would do with their first million dollars. They might buy a yacht or get their dream home. It will be a fun way to get people to dream big and it will get your name out there.

Use Pictures to Create a Story

Create and upload groups of pictures that tell a story. The story should be related to your business. For instance, if you just made $20,000 with your MLM opportunity, create a story that starts with you getting the money and ends with you on a luxurious vacation. This is just one example. If you are creative, you can come up with a story for just about anything. Dont hold back when it comes to stories.

If you aren't using Instagram, you are missing out on a lot of potential customers and prospects. Be sure to add it to your social networking campaign so you can reach even more people in more meaningful ways. Once you get on there, have some fun with it while making a name for yourself and your brand. 

Thomas Wallace
Six Year Cancer Survivor - Everyday is Important!

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