Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Keys to a Successful Autoresponder Series

Keys to a Successful Autoresponder Series

Back in the old days, people pounded the pavement to get leads for their MLM companies. They would ring doorbells, hand out flyers, and walk into businesses in an effort to recruit people. As you can image, they didn't get many leads per day. Fortunately, those days are over. Now, people can send out emails to hundreds, or even thousands, of prospects at once. This saves a lot of time. It also helps people get more leads per day than ever before.

The Autoresponder Series

Successful MLM companies use an autoresponder series to market to large groups of people. They load the series into the autoresponder and it automatically goes out as soon as someone signs up for the list. The first message in the series includes the free item the person gets when he signs up for the list. Then, the series should provide valuable information for the subscriber. This can include free training videos, links to webinars, and other useful information that will help the subscriber succeed.

What to Consider

Email marketing might sound simple, but it is not. On the surface, it looks like you just need to write an email series, load it up in the autoresponder and then enjoy the rest of your day. While you can do that, you won't be successful. You have to make sure you do it correctly or it won't matter how many leads per day you get, since you won't convert any of those leads.

To begin with, you have to make sure people open your emails. That means you need a solid subject line. You also have to make sure the body delivers on the subject line's promise. Finally, you have to make sure the subject line will pass spam filters or people won't ever see it.

Then you have the body of the email. It needs to have the right language to get people excited. It also needs to provide value. If the body does not provide value, people won't open any more of your emails.

If this all sounds overwhelming, you aren't alone. There is a reason people get paid thousands of dollars to run email marketing campaigns. It’s hard work. Fortunately, MLSP members get a full autoresponder series with their memberships. They simply need to copy and paste the series into their autoresponders and then they can automate the process.

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